Wednesday, 29 February 2012


This year the worldwide theme for Youth is 'Arise and shine forth'. We decided as a stake that we wanted our lights to shine brighter so we decided to commit ourselves to kneeling in prayer daily. 
Your challenge is to spend 10-15 minutes on your knees each day for 30 days!  At the end of the challenge contact Emma Kerr - and we will have a little presentation for each girl who completed 30 days. You have until July to complete your task and get your name in.  You also need to read 3 Nephi.  We know that as you do this challenge you will be blessed both in spirit, mind and body. 
We love you and want the best for you.
Manchester Stake Young Womens Presidency

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Hi everyone,
Hope that all of you who went to the dance at Liverpool on Friday had a great time! 
Just a reminder about our activity on Friday which will be a separate one from the Young Men.  We will be introducing our theme for this year:-
"Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations."  (D&C 115:5)
ALSO  we are soooo excited to welcome Sisters Betsy Snider and Stacey Liptrott who are are our YW
Camp Leader and Assistant.  We are looking forward to working with them and know that they have got fantastic ideas for camp and also for our activity on Friday.
Our next Stake Youth dance is on 2nd March and the theme is NEON so we would love to see you dressed in neon colours or wear a wristband or socks or something in neon colours - go on WE DARE YOU!!!