Sunday, 11 December 2011


Two weeks ago Young Women in Excellence was held at the Manchester Stake Centre, it was wonderful to see so many of you there, along with your parents and leaders.  We also had the oportunity to welcome President Gregson, who had recently been called onto the newly reorganized Stake Presidency and later was to address us.  The evening evening was conducted by our Stake Young Womens President, Sister Emma Kerr who welcomed all to the evening.  There was a wonderful spirit in attendance especially as the assigned young women from each ward stood and bore their testimonies about Personal Progress and the way in which they each had gained their testimonies. Many mentioned how Personal Progress had been a challenge to them or perhaps had not been as important as it should been but once it had been embraced the difference had been amazing and their hearts were touched and testimonies of this great program were born.  Some of you actually liked doing Personal Progress!! and that was evident in the ribbons gained and recognition given.  Bethany Lithgoe from the Swinton played a musical item on her flute and you were all treated? to a musical item from your Stake Young Womens Presidency.  After the meeting concluded we socialised in the Relief Society room with cupcakes in value colours, and other goodies.   Feedback was very positive and we loved being there with you all and sharing your wonderul spirit. We are grateful for the support of parents and leaders. 
Just a reminder about our 'event' on Friday 16th December and Seminary activity prior to this.  Look forward to seeing you all there! 

Friday, 18 November 2011


Finally I have managed to get onto this site to update our blog. 

WOW, what an amazing evening was had by all at the Dance/Art Festival last weekend - Manchester Stake Youth at their best.  You are all so talented!  It was great to see so many people supporting this event and to see the enjoyment that was shared by everyone of all ages.  Thanks to our Stake Youth leaders, ward leaders, judges, compere  and all those that helped with costumes, dance routines, make up, music etc; you helped to make it all come together.  The art pieces were fantastic, well done to all you young women who took part.
Just a reminder that Sunday 20th November is Stake Conference and you are providing a musical item.  Could you please strive to arrive at the Stake Centre by 9am to practice for this.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Wednesday, 7 September 2011


We have lots of exciting events coming up. As seen in the poster, we have our NEW CHOIR this Sunday at 6:30pm. We also have youth committee at 6:30pm. Sorry for those of you who want to attend choir but are in committee. It is the FIRST rehearsal and future rehearsals will rarely overlap. The fireside is at 7:30pm. You will be watching your 'I am a Mormon' ads. Can not wait to see them!
YOUTH ACTIVITY Friday 16th September. Seminary monthly meeting with Brother Luke Kerr will be at 7pm and the youth activity will begin at 8pm. It will be a seperate activity so we will get some well needed GIRLY TIME!! REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR FAVORITE MUG!! we will be having hot chocolate and toppings. It will be a fun night.
We also have beehive deacon day on Saturday 24th September 10am-6pm meeting at the stake centre!!! We will be having games at the stake centre then going out to crocky trail!!! After crocky trail we will return home to finish at the stake centre. YOU MUST WEAR MESSY CLOTHES (especially no heels please lol). If there is ANYTHING else you want to know facebook me or number is 07850961288. LOVE YOU ALL!! can't wait to see you!! so excited!!


Saturday, 3 September 2011

The Sting of The Scorpion

Here is the latest Video for Youth.

Don't disregard that which you know what is right !!!


Monday, 22 August 2011

EFY Natasha Reynolds

Efy was a great experience, it allowed us all to make loads of new friends. Also, it helped us to have fun whilst also helping us to come closer to our heavenly father. Efy helped me to be able to build my testimony and become more confident. It allowed everyone in there groups come closer by working together on acheiving their group
goals which we made at the beginning of the week and by working together to make our company banners and cheers. The lessons also helped us to learn more. What I will miss most about efy is all the friends I made and the people in my company as we were like one big family how we was always together and worked together as a team and also enjoyed our time together doing different activities. EFY is definately an experience I would like to have again

Thursday, 4 August 2011

President Beck

I hope you all enjoyed the fireside last night. For those of you who did not see it...check out this story he shared. It is amazing! see you all on the bus to EFY on Monday. If you need information about what to bring or anything else, email me.

Sunday, 24 July 2011


New for July we are experimenting with a web presence that will allow us to share and promote ideas for the members of the Young Women program in the Manchester Stake


Would you like to share a brief description of a Young Women activity you have held and enjoyed, or are planning to hold ? The idea of this site is to pass on ideas and inform others in the stake of fun things you have been up to.
Its real simple, just Contact the Stake YW presidency and they will let you have the email address to send submissions too.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Getting Involved

This site is created using a Blogger format. It is easy to get involved but there are a couple of simple things to know.

Firstly you will notice at the bottom of each section you will see a space to "comment" here you can add your thoughts.

This will open a small window that allows you to add your comments.

There are 4 options, if you choose "Anonymous", which is the easiest I won't know who posted the comment so you may want to include your name in the comments ! The best option is to use the top one, which is "Google Account". Setting up a Google account is quick, easy and free, you just need to provide an email address and choose a user name and password. In the picture the users name is RJR

Another benefit of a Google account is you can choose to follow this blog (or any other)

Following allows you to keep up to date with new items added. Of course you can just add the site to your bookmarks/favourites and pop in now and again. I will be trying to keep things up to date, so hopefully  it will be worth a visit.

You will also notice in the side of the page there are Facebook like options (please use !) and a "follow by email" option which allows you to enter your email and you will get a notification when something is added.