Two weeks ago Young Women in Excellence was held at the Manchester Stake Centre, it was wonderful to see so many of you there, along with your parents and leaders. We also had the oportunity to welcome President Gregson, who had recently been called onto the newly reorganized Stake Presidency and later was to address us. The evening evening was conducted by our Stake Young Womens President, Sister Emma Kerr who welcomed all to the evening. There was a wonderful spirit in attendance especially as the assigned young women from each ward stood and bore their testimonies about Personal Progress and the way in which they each had gained their testimonies. Many mentioned how Personal Progress had been a challenge to them or perhaps had not been as important as it should been but once it had been embraced the difference had been amazing and their hearts were touched and testimonies of this great program were born. Some of you actually liked doing Personal Progress!! and that was evident in the ribbons gained and recognition given. Bethany Lithgoe from the Swinton played a musical item on her flute and you were all treated? to a musical item from your Stake Young Womens Presidency. After the meeting concluded we socialised in the Relief Society room with cupcakes in value colours, and other goodies. Feedback was very positive and we loved being there with you all and sharing your wonderul spirit. We are grateful for the support of parents and leaders.
Just a reminder about our 'event' on Friday 16th December and Seminary activity prior to this. Look forward to seeing you all there!
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